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Car alarm remote control solution

source: views:9863 time:2014-09-24

First, the product profile.

As  the most important products in the remote control: button batteries, my  company more than all types of batteries, in strict accordance with the  standard battery delivery, storage before the observation of a month,  the entire seized battery to the customer to ensure that the hands of  less than three thousandths Of  the non-performing rate, the battery can be in the remote control in  each of the years can be used to maintain the remote control of the  wavelength signal to achieve the best, so that the customer's remote  control quality to a higher level. For high-end remote control Our company provides a longer service life  of 0 for the original imported Panasonic battery, the international  brand of Panasonic battery can better meet the demanding requirements of  customers.

Second, the company product development process and customers

2005 to become the mainland area Panasonic battery designated welding  footers, access to a good Panasonic battery import channels.

2007 and the well-known domestic manufacturers of remote control  manufacturers signed iron generators, iron generators become one of the  remote control suppliers.

R & D in 2008 to produce 160mAH CR2025 button batteries.

2009 signed with Philips Electric, Philips Electronics Division to become one of the ultra-thin remote control suppliers.

2010 to expand the scale of production of various types of batteries daily output reached 50 million / day.

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